My name is Ana Cvejic and I am an independent progressive young artist from Belgrade, Serbia.
I'm an artist for eight years. In 2012 I finished master studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, painting department.
The main theme of my work is a man. Man as a human being and man as a sexual being. His behavior, emotions, sexuality, sadness, fear, pain. At the beginning of my artistic research of bodies and human behavior I was impressed by drawings of Egon Schiele. The artist who has left the most impact on me and my work is Francesco Clemente. His influence is reflected in the simplicity of drawings and usage of strong colors.
My wish is to send a message with my works to people and to the world .So they can see and recognize themselves in them. Reflection and emerging of people with my work is great success for me.
The people that I create are usually people in normal situations in which many of us are or were.
Presentation of the individual, his sadness and satisfaction is my time to art. This is a topic that excites me and influence my work. To show emotion and moments which a man is hiding from are central part of my work. This behavior is very common, but people tent to hide filings and those moments of vulnerability from the eyes of others.
I don’t want my works to give the impression of something painful in a negative connotation. So every man can be found in situationes of pain or pleasure. They own power to show. Word strong is more suitable for me because my works bring strong message in which very powerful emotions of human states of mind can be seen.